Informática, Wordpress

Alérgenos para Woocommerce

Allergens for Woocommerce


  • CMS: WordPress
  • Tipo: Plugin

ES: He desarrollado este plugin porque un cliente que tiene un restaurante no encontró una forma sencilla de mostrarlos en su catálogo de productos creado con Woocommerce.

EN: I have developed this plugin because a client who has a restaurant did not find an easy way to display the allergens in his product catalog created with Woocommerce.

Tabla de Contenidos


  • 1.3.2
    Added treceafw_show_allergens_out($product) function, to allow developers to call allergens in their theme/plugin.For avoid problems you can add a checking before call the function.

    if ( !function_exists( 'treceafw_show_allergens' ) ) {
    } else {
        echo treceafw_show_allergensout($product);
  • 1.3.1
    A lot of css fixes and now dont replace the short description.
  • 1.3
    Added Allergens for variations and add a custom tab for allergens.
  • 1.2
    Better code structure and functions names.
  • 1.1
    Added missing allergens icons
  • 1.0
    Plugin publish


Allergens icons by Icon Icons